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Paper is one of the most widely used materials with diverse applications like books, tissues, currency, etc. But paper & paper products provide a large hosting surface for bacteria and multiple handlings can be a source of transmission of many pathogens from these surfaces.
N9 Pure Silver ABP’s antibacterial technology neutralizes infectious bacteria that come in contact with the treated surface of paper products & helps reduce contamination and transmission. Powered by Silver’s natural antibacterial properties, N9 Pure Silver ABP is compatible with paper products of varying dimensions and thickness.

Features of the Product




Silvered Powered



Silver Powered

Application Areas

Product Testing

ASTM E 2149

>99% reduction in bacteria

ASTM E 3160

>99% reduction in bacteria

Frequently Asked Questions

N9 Pure ABP is designed to protect paper surface from bacterial contamination thus reducing the risk of transfer of germs causing infection.
N9 Pure Silver ABP is effective against inhibiting a broad spectrum of G+ve and G-Ve bacteria. It has been tested on copier paper using ISO 22196: 2011 protocol and has proven to reduce the overall level bacteria up to 99.9%.
N9 Pure Silver ABP has been successfully incorporated into paper towels, copier paper and packaging papers.

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