- Suitable for all Fibre types.
- Applicable by pad, exhaust and spray techniques.
- Extensive possible applications from workwear, home textiles and even medical masks and coveralls.
Features of the Product


Resists Microbial Odour




Resists Microbial Odour

Resists Microbial Odour

Application Areas


Product Testing
ISO 18184
>99% reduction in virus that come in contact with the treated textile articles
ISO 20743
>99% reduction in virus that come in contact with the treated textile articles
Product Tags

Frequently Asked Questions
N9 SLP-201 is a Silver-organic component blend that when applied on textiles provide antiviral protection for textiles.
Textiles is considered to be the top most skin layer for humans and it comes in contact with the infectious viral particles on its broader surface area. The viral particles get transferred between humans directly and indirectly on contact. The transfer of the infectious viral particles is prevented as it gets neutralized by the treated textile articles.
The unsaturated fatty acids present in N9 SLP-201 quickly and specifically interacts with the viral envelope to initiate the action of Silver against it causing the complete disintegration of the viral particles.
It is found to be rapid in action that it almost completely neutralizes the viruses (i.e., > 99.9999% efficacy) within 30 mins contact time.
The antiviral efficacy of N9 SLP-201 treated textile articles are assessed using ISO 18184: 2019 protocol.
Yes, it acts against both the enveloped and non-enveloped viruses.
N9 SLP-201 is ZDHC LEVEL 1.0 certified and it is also found to be biocompatible when the treated articles are subjected to a biocompatibility test.