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What is COOLIT technology?

COOLIT is a sustainable cooling technology that responds dynamically to body temperature and perspiration. On contact with sweat, COOLIT generates a cooling effect, leaving wearers feeling cool and comfortable.

The performance is maintained through multiple washing cycles.

What is MOISTEX TM technology?

MOISTEX TM is an advanced textile finishing that keeps skin moisture intact for prolonged period without affecting fabric comfort and breathability.

MOISTEX TM treated fabric/garment efficiently regulates microclimate between skin and textiles to make the wearer feel comfortable and non-dry.

Is it applicable to all fibre type? Would this need a different way of finishing at the mill?

It is applicable to cotton & its blends (Fibre/Fabric/Garment) with constant direct skin contact. The performance is maintained through multiple soft/mild washing cycles.

The application quantity of MOISTEX TM is used according to the type of the substrate, the application process, finishing combinations and the wash durability requirement. Regular dosage is: 4.0 to 6.0 % (OWF)

It can be easily run in any mill set-up without making any big changes.

What kind of value does this add to a textile?

  1. Keeps skin moisture in tact
  2. Fabric does not cling to skin
  3. Finish does not block natural breathability of fabric
  4. Imparts soft feel
  5. Comfortable to wear
  6. Enhances shade (darkens)
  7. Durable to several washes*
  8. Application –exhaust/padding/spray